Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a reception for foreign diplomats in the St. George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, 28 November 2007. 'It's a new event in the Russian diplomatic practiceand it is expected to be continued with a certain regularity', said a sourse in the Kremlin. About 200 guests - the heads of diplomatic missions, accredited in Moscow were invited to a reception, where Putin sent his message to the whole world. Putin warned the world to steer clear of Russian politics Wednesday, four days from parliamentary elections that his party is set to win. AFP PHOTO / POOL / SERGEI CHIRIKOV
Las principales potencias nucleares del mundo, Estados Unidos y Rusia, siguen reduciendo lentamente su arsenal nuclear, pero modernizando sus capacidades, informó ayer el Instituto Internacional de Estudios para la Paz de Estocolmo (Sipri, por sus siglas en inglés).
Nueve países -Estados Unidos, Rusia, Reino Unido, Francia, China, India, Pakistán, Israel y Corea del Norte- contaban con 15,395 cabezas nucleares a principios de 2016, incluidas 4,120 que fueron desplegadas, según el informe anual del Sipri. A principios de 2015 la cifra era de 15,850.